Senin, 04 Mei 2015

Final version of the Dataplex software, which will allow it to work without a product key

Strongly recommend that all Dataplex users upgrade to Dataplex version as soon as possible, while the software download is still available. That's what the site says.

Supported SSD Products

Dataplex is supported on the following SSD products. You can find these products at your favorite electronics retailers, or on the manufacturers' websites, below;

Corsair Accelerator Series SSD Cache Drive (30GB, 45GB, 60GB)

Crucial Adrenaline (50GB)

EDGE Boost Cache SSD (50GB, 100GB)

Mushkin Catalyst Cache SSD (50GB, 100GB)

OCZ RevoDrive Hybrid SSD/HDD (1TB, PCI Express), OCZ Synapse Cache SSD (64GB, 128GB)

-  wa yaa rabbi bil ikhlashi khallis quluubanaa minas syirki wal ishiani haqqon takhollashod.
-  hadiyatan khusushon ilaa ruhi as syechi malaikat Abdul Rahman, malaikat Abdul Wahid, malaikat      Abdul Jalil, malaikat Abdul Jafar, malaikat Abdul Jabar                                                                              [  al ikhlash 3x, ayat kursi 1x, AL ikhlash 11x, Al falaq 3x, An Naas 4x, Al fatekhah 1x .]
Bismilahirahmanhirahim,    Y                          aa Chudama Ayyuhas sail Azili Azili  {3x tahan napas}
1. Qul huallahu ahad
2. Allahu shamad
Wa tabaa ‘adil-‘adaawata kullaha min banii Aadama ‘alaihis salam                                         man kaana hayyaw wa yahiqqol qaulu 'alal kaafiriin 
 Wa qul jaaa 'al haqqu wa zahaqol baathilu, innal baathila kaana zahuu qoo.                                                                                                           Wa nunazzilu minal-qur`āani maā huwa syifaaā`uw wa roḥmatul lil-mu`minīina wa laā yazīiduẓh-ẓhoolimīina illaā khosaāroo. 
”Subhaana robbikaa rabbil ‘izzati ‘ammaa yashifuun, Wa salaamun ‘alal mursaliin, Wal hamdulillahi robbil ‘aalamiin.                       
                                                                                             (dibaca minimal 37x baru lanjut ke bawah).
3. Lam yalid wa lam yulad
4. Wa lam yaqunlahu kufuwan ahad
(dari 1. s/d 4. dibaca 11x pas, baru istirahat, tidak boleh disela dengan berbicara yang lain, yang boleh dibaca hanya bacaan diatas sesuai urutan dan aturan tanpa sela, boleh istirahat tapi diam tidak berucap apapun.)

Yusabbihu lahu mulkus samaawaati wa maa fil ardha, lahul mulku wa lahul hamdu yuhyi wa yumitu wahuwa ‘alaa qulli syain qadiir,Yaa karim yaa karim duh ahdukal qadiim. Kum Kum biidznillah

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