Minggu, 04 September 2022

The first pyramids were built around 73,300 years ago

 The following is a snippet of a conversation from the chairman of the Plejaren federation about the construction of the pyramids.

Далее отрывок или отрывок из беседы председателя федерации Плеяр о строительстве пирамид


83. Which is really like that.

83. Was wirklich zweifellos ist.

84. Chephren resp. Chaefchufu or Chefren is the Greek name for Chafre or Chaefre, which means “Chaefre is big”.

84. Chephren resp. Chaefchufu oder Chefren ist die griechische Bezeichnung für Chafre oder Chaefre, was bedeutet ‹Chaefre ist gross›.

85. He was the fourth pharaoh of the 4th Dynasty in the Old Kingdom of Egypt.

85. Er war im Alten Reich der vierte Pharao der altägyptischen 4. Dynastie.

86. Pharao Chephren was the half-brother of his predecessor Radjedef and the half-brother of Kawab, and he was buried in Giza, as was his father Pharaoh Cheops, who was actually called Chufu.

86. Pharao Chephren war der Halbbruder seines Vorgängers Radjedef und der Halbruder von Kawab, und er wurde, wie auch sein Vater Pharao Cheops, der eigentlich Chufu genannt wurde, auch in Gizeh bestattet.

87. His reign lasted from 2567 to 2534 before Jmmanuel resp. before the Christian calendar.

87. Seine Herrschaft dauerte von 2567 bis 2534 vor Jmmanuel resp. vor christlicher Zeitrechnung.

88. He was also the originator and responsible for the construction of the temple and 12 statues, which showed the hours of daytime by sunlight.

88. Er war auch der Urheber und verantwortlich in bezug auf den Bau des Tempels und 12 Statuen, die durch Sonnenlicht die Tagesstunden anzeigten.

89. In addition, he was also the originator and responsible for the construction of the second and second highest pyramid in Giza, as well as for numerous outstanding statues in the Sphinx’s vicinity, some of which have been preserved to this day.

89. Ausserdem war er auch der Urheber und Verantwortliche für den Bau der zweiten und zweithöchsten Pyramide von Gizeh, wie aber auch für zahlreiche hervorragende Statuen in der Sphinx-Umgebung, die teils bis heute erhalten sind.

90. With regard to the construction of the Giza pyramids, however, it should be noted that the first pyramids were built around 73,300 years ago, but were later again demolished, because they had deteriorated more and more due to the weather and the climatic influences.

90. In bezug auf den Bau der Pyramiden von Gizeh ist jedoch zu sagen, dass die ersten vor rund 73 300 Jahren erbaut worden sind, jedoch später wieder abgerissen wurden, weil sie durch die Witterung und die Klimaeinflüsse immer mehr verfallen waren.

91. 10,800 years ago they were then rebuilt, which was due to the initiative of a king resp. pharaoh Sahluk, who ordered the dismantling and modification of the Great Pyramid of Giza.

91. Vor 10 800 Jahren wurden sie dann wieder aufgebaut, was auf der Initiative eines Königs resp. Pharao Sahluk beruhte, der den Abbau und die Änderung der grossen Pyramide von Gizeh anordnete.

92. Once again the pyramids fell to decay, because the weather conditions and the depletion of the pyramidal material had become so rampant in the course of the next millennia that about 4500 years ago, when Cheops and Chephren dealt with the construction of the new pyramids, a complete rebuilding was necessary.

92. Wieder fielen die Pyramiden dem Verfall anheim, weil im Verlaufe der nächsten Jahrtausende die Witterungsverhältnisse und der Raubabbau am Pyramidenmaterial so überhandgenommen hatten, dass vor rund 4500 Jahren ein völliger Neuaufbau anfiel, als Cheops und Chephren sich mit dem Bau der neuen Pyramiden befassten.

93. Everything had to be torn away, reassembled and thus rebuilt, whereby the large stone slabs were also carved out of the hard underground around the Sphinx and used to build the temple, the statues and the pyramid.

93. Alles musste weggerissen, neu zusammengefügt und also erbaut werden, wobei auch rund um den Sphinx herum aus dem harten Untergrund die grossen Steinplatten herausgemeisselt und zum Bau des Tempels, der Statuen und der Pyramide verwendet wurden.

94. So new square stone blocks were cut and used to build the temple and the Chephren-Pyramid.

94. Also wurden neue Steinquader geschnitten und zum Bau des Tempels und der Chephren-Pyramide verwendet.

95. The Cheops Pyramid was, of course, created under the direction of Pharaoh Cheops, who had it completely rebuilt and remodelled, while 73,300 years ago it was traced back to partially non-terrestrial builders, when non-terrestrials from the constellation of Orion were present in ancient Egypt, participated in the construction of the first pyramids and set themselves up as gods.

95. Die Cheops-Pyramide entstand natürlich unter der Regie von Pharao Cheops, der sie völlig neu erbauen und umgestalten liess, während sie ursprünglich vor 73 300 Jahren auf teils erdfremde Erbauer zurückführte, als aus dem Sternbild Orion Erdfremde im alten Ägypten anwesend waren, am Bau der ersten Pyramiden mitwirkten und sich als Götter aufspielten.

96. The great pyramid was together with the others already in the early days and then also for the last recreation aligned on the Orion constellation, but the Sphinx according to the guidelines of Chephren on the Leo constellation.

96. Die grosse Pyramide wurde mit den andern schon zur Frühzeit und dann auch bei der letzten Neuerstellung auf das Sternbild Orion, jedoch der Sphinx gemäss den Richtlinien von Chephren auf das Sternbild des Löwen ausgerichtet.

97. 4,500 years ago, the pyramids and the Sphinx were built solely by human beings of the Earth, whereas in the first construction 73,300 years ago, non-terrestrials were also involved, partly using telekinetic powers.

97. Vor rund 4500 Jahren wurden die Pyramiden und der Sphinx einzig und allein durch Erdenmenschen erbaut, während bei der ersten Erstellung von 73 300 Jahren auch Erdfremde mit teils telekinetischen Kräften mitwirkten.



Ptaah, Semjase, and Asket explained to Eduard that' about the Egyptian pyramids, the first pyramids were built around 73,300 years ago or so, but later dismantled again because they fell to decay, namely through rotting in the interior as well as through the weather, rebuilt obviously. In particular, this refers to the Pyramids of Giza, there are many other pyramids all over the world. The Egyptian pyramids are more famous today because they're exposed, can be seen i.e. contrasted against a desert, but when they were built they were surrounded by lush jungle,[citation needed] some of the others still are. ~They were used for all sorts of different purposes at different times in history, and the Egypt pyramid i.e. 'great pyramid' isn't the only Pyramid on Earth which has a similarly distended history. 

They were used for e.g. protection from The Great Deluge during one phase, a different flood at a different time too, see The Destroyer, 

some other reason by Giza Intelligences, a star map measuring the cosmic age time i.e. the big orbit (allowing light of a particular star at a particular time through that hole in it), a different original purpose by the foreigners from the star systems Orion and Leo, see Contact Report 215, 

as some status symbol by another group who moved in from Persia at a different time, the black race moved out at some stage, between and after all that 

as a relic looting site at various times in history by e.g. religious fanatics and myth fantasists etc., 

as a reclamation yard for builders at another time, 

as a burial tomb by another generation, 

as a ceremonial centre by another group at a different time etc., and by contrast 

as a tourist and world history speculators site today - 

also as an academic research grant justifying centre for University researchers and book writers today etc., and museum, 

as well as a government tax tourism collecting area for economic purposes, and 

as a site for economically-viable science-fiction moving-image stories e.g. Stargate 1994, which could be sold on the global markets etc., 

as alternative entertainment pieces for audiences of their time etc.